Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Discussion or ym conference?

If there is a need for us to have a meeting, when will be the right time?
Is it okay if we just have it thru ym conference?
Please let me know...

My schedule.
MW 8.30-11.30
TTH 10-7

so, monday and wed's afternoon is okay with me, plus friday.
I really hope the weekend is not disturbed, unless we really2 need to.. :P

Second Project

The deadline is towards the end of the semester, long time to go, but the sooner we can settle it, the sooner we can focus on anything else important.
We are free to choose any topic, and I see none of us manage to book the topic proposed by Bro Halimi just now. So these are my suggestion;

a) How to realize a virtual university

b) Smart home- installation and application

c) Practicality of online-robotic-medical assistant ( where patient is at home, and can contact the doctor or the nurse thru certain device at any time, alert the patient about the medication timing, good in emergency cases, and so on)

d)MYEG Sdn Bhd-

e) Smart IC, development and improvement ( where we have lots of info in the chip, banking, medic, services, touch n go, and so on. may be can be linked with the 'eye' function in Minority Report movie....)

f) Wimax vs broadband vs hotpots?

If you have better ideas, please tell me right away.
Thank you.

First assignment


Group 2-7 and 3-7
Topic: Using Databases to Improve Business Performance and Decision Making
Case Study: DNA Database: Crime Fighting Weapon or Threat to Privacy? Page 244-245
Case Study Questions: No. 1-4 Page 245
Presentation date: To be determined by Br Halimi

This is our first assignment.
I dont really know how to start.
4 questions, and there's 6 of us.
Any volunteer? Please reply here.
I guess we'll have to present this in two weeks time.


This is the alternative way of our communication on doing our MIS projects because of time constraint (clash with class, quiz, test, and so on). I'll keep it as simple as I can, and I really hope you guys can participate as you can contribute any time, any where... Cut all the excuses :P
Sorry for the weaknessess, etc.
You can contact me at 016 3070032, ym or e-mail at
Thank you.